From field to hive to table, Round Rock Honey is never anything more or less than nature intended it to be. That which the bees give us, we give you. When we say 100% honey, we mean it! Round Rock Honey is not a varietal honey, but instead a true wildflower honey. Producing wildflower honey is difficult, and yields unpredictable, but in the opinion of Round Rock Honey owners Konrad and Elizabeth Bouffard, it is more important to focus on quality than on quantity!

When Konrad Bouffard of Round Rock Honey leads his introductory beekeeping classes around Texas, kids become most engaged when he talks about the insects’ “superhero powers.”
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Konrad Bouffard, a former tech worker who got started as an entrepreneur creating large art installations for corporate clients, founded Round Rock Honey in 2002. His products are now available in more than 1,000 stores and online.
To do something way out of the ordinary, head to Round Rock Honey and sign up for a beekeeping class. You’ll learn all about these buzzing buddies and even get a chance to harvest honey straight from the hive. If you aren’t up for a class, at least go for a honey tasting.
Round Rock Honey opens the sweet world of bees to closer inspection. You don't have to put on a beekeeper's suit to explore the story of making honey.
Konrad Bouffard started the honey company in 2002 when he thought the product on the grocery store shelves had a watered-down flavor.
When Round Rock Honey decided to expand its Beekeeping Academy beyond Texas, its first stop was San Mateo County. Through Groupon, the company signed up nearly 1,000 new students in just a few days.
Round Rock Honey prides themselves on making the purest Texas wildflower honey and cares so much about every hive and making the best quality honey around.